The Right Course of Action must be decided by the Generals on Ground
Source: AigaNews
In my recent article, The Future Life of Tigrayans, I argued that Tigrayan life future is being annihilated by ethnic cleansing in the hands of Abiy Ahmed, the illegitimate Ethiopian prime minister.
The Tigrayan government under the guidance of its heroic Generals tested in the crucible time is carefully navigating the next move, now that the boarder remains closed and Tigray is enclosed by poverty, absence of goods, and most importantly the precarity of existence.
However, I would like nervous Tigreans in the diaspora to stop comments on very private and sensitive military matters from the comfort of our living rooms in the West.
Military decisions must be left to the government of Tigray in concert with the time tested brilliant Generals in the ground, who are navigating possibilities anchored on military alertness and informed diplomatic strategies.
The next course of action should be decided by the Generals in concert with the Tigrean administration. It is futile and irresponsible to criticize the Generals from the diaspora. From here our task is to support our Generals, who strike me as brave, strategic, shrewd and morally intelligent folks.
We are lucky to have them at this time, and we must at the least, support them, cheer them and pray for them as they are attempting to reconcile diplomacy and aggression.
I am confident that in time they will surprise with the right decision to the right degree, the right place, for the right reason and the right time.
I say brothers and sisters in the diaspora, criticize less, trust more, and praise and pray even more.