Afar People’s Party ‘skeptical’ about humanitarian truce between Federal government, Tigray state
Source: Addis Standard
The Afar people’s Party (APP) issued a statement this morning expressing doubt over the declaration of a humanitarian truce between the federal government and the Tigray state. The party complained that the Afar people were taken out of the equation in the agreement.
APP appreciated the positive steps taken by both the Tigray state and the federal government towards putting the conflict to an end. However, the party expressed discontent at the fact that both the statements by the pair neglected the occupation of parts of the Afar region by Tigrayan forces as well as the humanitarian crisis in Afar.
“The dire humanitarian situation should be taken into account,” APP said, asking the international to understand the critical importance and role of the Afar people. The statement also noted that nearly 700,000 people were driven out of their homes due to the conflict. “IDPs should return to their homes with peace guaranteed,” the statement read, adding, “Rehabilitation programs must begin immediately.”
APP also demanded the ‘immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Tigrayan forces from the Afar region, further demanding the deployment of national defense forces to the region. The party went on to accuse the federal government of attempting to ‘escape responsibility’ and painting the Afar people as impediments to the ceasefire agreement.
In February, APP made similar calls to the international community to address the humanitarian crisis taking place in the Northern part of the Afar Region with urgent humanitarian assistance. APP also protested what it called “exclusive, non-participatory bilateral deals or negotiations” between “TPLF and the Government of Ethiopia while a deadly war is still taking place in Afar and the northern part of Afar region is under the occupation of TPLF.”