Questions and questions that need answers that will help us stop genocide and incompetents from coming back to our land again.
By Milli.
Speaking of the genocide, my personal experience, it has taken away a piece of me for good.
Peter Abelard once said, “The master key of knowledge is, indeed, a persistent and frequent questioning.”
Questions are natural empowering tools. They are door openers for higher level wisdom. Questions and seeking answers are what will help us develop a saving road map and draw us forward. The time or moment we stop asking is a sign that we are satisfied with the status qua or current life. We should understand that everything or anything we know originates from questions. After all, asking is the basis of all human progress.
Thus, to help us come better from the mess we are in, let us keep asking, asking, and seek their answers. Our day-to-day and future lives are shaped by questions. The type of society that we will be is determined by the type of questions we ask. Let us collectively be asking society. Questions are “God”.
Thus, what we should not leave to politicians, not even an iota, if we want genocide to be history, not to come back again, is questions that need answers that are related to the genocidal crime.
What we Tegaru and our Mother Tigray have faced even now is multifactorial problems and challenges that need a clear consensus on how, why, what, etc. questions and genuine answers. Anything less or more is not only unlearning but also uncivilized and inviting the genocide to repeat itself. After all history loves to repeat itself on fools and unlearning. The opposite is true where good students of genocide crime will and are burying it for good not to come back again. What is the chance that genocide will happen again against the Jewish people? Zero. What is the likelihood that genocidal crimes will come back to Rwandans? Nada, zilch, zero. What about on us again? I am not sure since we seem forgetting, minimizing, and not learning.
The super scientist, Einstein, once said, give me a problem and I will spend ninety percent of my time studying, defining, labeling, and dissecting it and the rest to the final solution is only ten percent time. Based on this great point, we as Tegaru, are we doing the same something to understand our problems that led to the genocidal war?
Why were we not sufficiently prepared for the crime that rained on us?
Why were not Tegaru informed and warned on the genocide from the beginning by our “leaders”?
Were the TPLF leaders “illiterates” who could not read and understand the writings that were written and posted on the wall before the war?
Why was the downplay of the threat before the war?
What was plan B and C of our “leaders” before the genocide threat?
Were the “leaders” reading and hearing the situation through the eyes of the TPLF modus operando and small circle of the advisors?
Was TPLF leaders trapped of being surrounded themselves with small circle of very loyal advisors and as a result access to real information was diminished?
Were our “leaders” hearing about the World through these incompetents who often may be afraid to give bad and inaccurate information to the boss?
Who is ultimately responsible for all the war missteps?
Why and how are TPLF leaders in “survival arrogance” thinking that they will successfully come out from the quack mire that they are in?
Am I exaggerating to say what is being done and going on in Tigray politics poses a serious threat to our existence and as such it opens the door to our enemies?
Am I wrong to say we Tegaru are not smart enough and keep tolerating the worst of us stay in power?
What is not to hate and dispose of these incompetent leaders of ours?
How big is the hand of TPLF leaders in this raining hell?
How many of us really and exhaustively now that we have fought the worst of wars, having the worst hunger ever in our history, worst displacement, darkest history, etc.?
Am I wrong to believe that history repeats because stupidity repeats? And because of this and not learning enough from it, my fear is that history can repeat itself on us any time unless we stop and kill our stupidity.
Am I wrong to say our enemies are smarter than us who understood well that timing is more central than time itself and got us at the perfect and right time for them? They are all evil geniuses.
Are we massively documenting about the genocide we have faced?
Why do we Tegaru have a history of forgetting crimes of our enemies?
Remembering our genocide, yesterday’s, and today’s, is essential to being Tegaru.
Am I wrong to advise that we should not forget about our tortuous history not even an iota, which is full of expulsions and hatred who did not even spare our plants, animals, Churches, Mosques, etc.?
What were we doing when our enemies were openly getting ready for their genocidal war?
During their preparation and drumming time, was our intelligence screaming and our intelligence shutting up? Our enemies understand the media much better than the TPLF leaders. They used the media effectively to prepare the ground for genocidal war supported by all Ethiopians.
Am I wrong to say that our stupidity always gives abiy the opportunities to wiggle himself out of trouble? Look what he has been doing since the Pretoria agreement.
Can I say our enemies know how to justify something they know to be wrong?
Our enemies made Tigray a picture of violation of human decency, heinous and despicable crime, Am I wrong?
Can anyone tell me from which planet our enemies parachute in from?
How and why do we Tegaru in our history let our enemies infest and infect with cruel disease?
Do we know that hatred and disinformation on Tegaru was normalized for years which led to genocide that has been committed by all Ethiopian alike like the antisemitism that persisted for decades after decades which ended up wiping off close to ten million Jewish people?
Do we understand that the reason why all Ethiopians have “enjoyed” our sufferings and deaths or minimum showed national indifference because they were injected for years with contempt and distrust and hatred?
Do we know and understand that the human capacity to hate is boundless and infinite?
TPLF leaders and we all Tegaru made a fundamental mistake by failing to take it seriously and respond appropriately. Am I wrong?
Are we feeling it that the TPLF leaders are incapable of regret, remorse after all the crimes they committed and let millions die?
Am I wrong to believe that what TPLF leaders done defies explanation and it is incomprehensible?
Why do not they feel ashamed and self-resign?
Why are we tolerating them and do nothing to push them off from power and have them retire?
I assure you that understanding and answering all these aforementioned questions will take us to a higher ground and better understanding to solve our problems successfully.