Ultimatum needed to be given to Ali, whether he will stop the war or not!
Source: AigaNews
It passed more than 490 days; 70 weeks, and 16 months, since Ali and his domestic and foreign warmongers partners started the war of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Tigray. For the people of Tigray these amounts of time have left behind unbearable mental, emotional and physical trauma. Although it is unthinkable at this time in Tigray to perform any kind of medical intervention, physical trauma can be cured if proper treatments are applied on time. What is hard and difficult to treat is the psychological trauma, which includes mental and emotional trauma. This is what Ali and his warmonger collaborators are anticipated to impose on the people of Tigray when they start the war. The government of Ali is not only inflicted considerable harms to the people of Tigray, but he also revoked their Ethiopian citizenship. Today, Eritreans have unlimited and unrestricted political, social, economic and security rights than Ethiopian Tegaru’s. I
n facts it is the Eritrean security officers who are deciding on the fate of each Tegaru’s life and finance who are living in many parts of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is the first country in our world where its citizens are abused by foreign nationals. At this time illegal money laundering is in the hands of Eritreans, and many Eritrean film makers and players are using Addis Abeba as a center of their film production (as we know all Eritrean film production is under the ministry of information, serving as a tool of propaganda machines). Ali illegally approved to confiscate Tegaru’s assets, including cashes deposited in Banks what’s worth in trillions of Ethiopian Birr. In fact, one of the aims of the war is to cause irreversible man-made financial bankruptcy on Tegaru’s investors in particular and make more poorer the people of Tigraay in general. This is also the first in the history of the world where the government is working hard to make its own people poorer. Ali not only completely destroyed all means of production, including, the natural resources of Tigray, built for centuries, but also Tigray human capitals, and historical places with their old aged antiques and treasuries. For the records, the report prepared (This is during EPRDF era) in April 6, 2016 by the Ethiopian UNDP office indicated that poverty markedly declined from 45.5% in the year 2000 to 23.5% in 2016.
During EPRDF era, with the support of international communities, the level of poverty in Ethiopia was decreased significantly in all regional states. However, in Tigray (I am not Shure where I read it, but my assumption will not far from truth) the level of poverty has been higher than the rest of Ethiopian regional states, which I believe is around 27%. Currently because of the war this figure will reach 100%!
Ali and his collaborators have the intention to inflict maximum harms to the people of Tigray by deliberately delaying the peace process. Hence, he is untrustworthy and hard to believe, that he will contribute positively to the ongoing peace process. I truly believe that his engagement in the ongoing peace process is to fulfill two things. One is to ease the economic and diplomatic pressure his government is facing from the international communities and the second is to buy time to prepare for another round all-out war. This was revealed in the ongoing Prosperity Party meeting, held in Addis Abeba this passed days. While millions of Ethiopians are starving, and perished, Ali is spending billions of Eth. Birr in buying modern weapons from his external collaborators to kill his own people. Besides, the involvement of the despotic regime in Asmara in the internal affairs of Ethiopia is going deeper and deeper. Thanks to the weak and inferior Ali, Isayas is now increasing his presence up to Mogadishu (to fulfill the missions he was assigned by some Gulf Arab States). Understanding these facts, the international communities should give Ali an ultimatum to reach an agreement with the government of Tigray as well as with others Ethiopian stake-holders to bring peace for the country. These approaches could bring hope to millions of people who are at the stage of destitution.
Ali has many faces and he can be anyone or can use anyone to inflict harm to any person or groups whom he thinks are a threat to his power. Ali is like a garbage store and an example of bad governance, a man of talk but with no action or results. Ali has all kinds of characters what many cruel and mentally unstable people acquired naturally. Looking to the crimes he has committed on the people of Ethiopia in general, and in particular to the people of Tigray for the last four years, it is hard to expect peace from Ali. One of the primary reasons, why Ali and his associates do not want to stop the war is that they don’t want the international communities to know the crimes they committed in Tigray during their illegal invasion. This is the reason why Ali is not willing to allow the International Commission of Human Rights Experts established by United Nation Human Right Commission to investigate the crimes committed in Ethiopia by both warring parties. What is the reason behind while the government of Tigray accepted the commission, but denied recognition by Ali? How long the starved people of Tigray should wait in anticipation of peace? When does the sporadic conflicts erupted in many parts of the country stopped? Peace process could take time, but who think starved stomach could also wait until peace agreement reached between the warring parties?
To deliver necessary supplies to starved people is an urgent issue which does not need time taking negotiations, as we see today in Ethiopia. Besides, no country has the right to kill its own people using starvation as a weapon of war. There are international rules, norms and standards every country should abide with. What is the importance of International Criminal Court if it jailed perpetrators after they committed crime against humanity? I prefer not to exist such organization, if not proactive to protect the vulnerable and helpless societies from killing mercilessly by the cruel and bloodthirsty dictators like Ali and Isayas. Any action or demand that contributes to delay the flow of humanitarian supplies to Tigray should be considered as a breach of peace and a crime against humanity. Taking the urgency of the situation in Tigray, the silence or indifference actions of the international communities is hard to believe. Why the same insensitivity is not seen in Ukraine? To me it is not only Ali who is killing our people but the international communities have also a share by not taking necessary actions to save the lives of millions. Taking into consideration what has happened in Ethiopia after Ali came to power, it is hard to find a word to express Ali’s mood and character. It should be clear that Ali is a notorious pathological liar, treacherous, bloodthirsty, cold-blooded, faithless, ruthless, and sadistic. Please, listen what on March, 7/ 2022 EthioForum you tube has posted to expose Ali’s multiple lies and deceptions he spoke multiple times.
The international communities should know that unless they took necessary measures to force Ali government to bring peace through all-inclusive negotiations, and to open unrestricted humanitarian access to Tigray, giving him excess time is to cooperate with him to use starvation as a weapon of war. The death and damage to humans have left behind scars in Ethiopia history. After Ali came to power, innumerable people were killed or massacred, but I have never seen a sympathy from Ali’s face or he never said “I am sorry for what has happened under my administration and I will take responsibility!”. This is because he doesn’t’ know what the government job is. I said this because Ali deliberately invited foreign adversaries to complicate and aggravate the political situation of the country. I do not think he is capable to take decisions by his own to stop the war or to engage negotiations with Ethiopian political parties. This is why I stressed the importance of the international communities’ constructive engagements to bring sustainable peace in Ethiopia. But what should be clear is all foreign actors need to be kicked out of the country before commencing any kind of negotiations. Time will show us if Ali, a warlord appointed by Isayas and some Gulf Arab states accept it or not!
Last it will be unfair to close this article without saying few words about the video circulated this week in social media outlets which shows a mobs of hooligan people and government security personnel savagely throwing dead bodies of Tegarus to burning flames. This barbaric crime was committed by the Ali Janjaweed militias in Metekel Zone, Benshangul-Gumuz region. What make me more shocking watching the video is that one helpless Tigrawai forcefully thrown to the burning fire alive. What make the day unforgettable and extraordinary is that this incidence has happened while in Ethiopia more than 10 million people are facing sever starvation, and Ali and his Prosperity Party members held a meeting by spending billions of Eth. Birr. The other awful news I heard from news media is the press release by the so called “Ethiopian Human Right Commission” (EHRC) regarding the Metekel incidence. What the commission has stated in his press release is that “one of the victims was confessed that he and his friends were involved in the killing of the security personnel ambushed previously by the local armed groups”. This is adding salt to a wound. As we remembered in the past, this government sponsored human right commission do the same theatrical report on Mai Kadra incidence by accusing the victims, in this case Tegarus. The question which should be raised hers is, the speed the EHRC has conducted the “investigation” and the result the commission has come to a conclusion to accuse the victims is a complete fallacy! What the head of EHRC, Daniel Bekele should know is that, only a fool expecting a Dove from a sneak’s egg!