TDAI Strongly Condemn the Burning of Tigraian Civilians to Death and Call for Immediate Action
Source: AigaNews
The Tigrai Development Association International (TDAI) is shocked by the viral video on social media that depicted the horrific killing of Tigrian civilians, who were burned alive by the sadistic members of Federal and Regional Forces in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region of Ethiopia. We utterly deplore the most diabolic act ever in the strongest possible terms and urge the perpetrators to be held accountable.
This is in fact the reflection and cumulative outcome of the ethnic profiling efforts the incumbent government and its allies have tirelessly done in the past ten or more years with the vicious aim to exterminate Tigrians. What has happened to our loved ones, albeit heart-breaking, is the continuation of the genocidal war and brutal siege the so-called government and other alien elements have waged over Tegaru in and outside Tigrai for more than 16 months.
It’s also essentially the reflection of toxic rhetoric and hostility which the federal and regional authorities, their aligned activists and media have excessively orchestrated targeting Tigrians. Condemning the barbaric and inhuman atrocities committed against our brothers and demanding the concerned government legal bodies to take immediate and practical action on the perpetrators, we the leadership and staffers of TDAI would like to express that we have felt deeply sad about the loss of our brothers and wish all of them to Rest in Peace and the Tigrian people peace, comfort, courage, and lots of love at this difficult time.