Aide to the Former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonatan Condemns Africans Praying for Ukraine but Ignoring Ethiopia; Says Africans Need to Love Themselves
Source: Globe News Net
March 4, 2022
Former president Goodluck Jonathan’s aide, Reno Omokri condemned Africans exaggerated public sympathy for Ukraine while showing no concern for the suffering in Ethiopia.
“100 people die from #RussiaUkraineConflict. Black Africa’s response? Pray for Ukraine! 150,000 Ethiopians dead from Ethiopia-Tigray war. Black African’s response? ‘What concerns me’..” Reno Omokri twitted.
Reno also stated that more people live and work in Ethiopia than in Ukraine.
Reno is a controversial online personnel in Nigeria with a large follow in all social media platforms, including 1.2 million followers in Twitter.
Reno claims that he has good knowledge about Ethiopia and the ongoing crisis in the country having already made more than 15 visits to the country.
Reno advised Africans to love their fellow Africans more than they love others.
“As long as we love others more than ourselves, Africa will suffer more than others”, Reno warns Africans.
Africa has been largely silent regarding the ongoing bloody war in Ethiopia and the continued atrocities in Tigray including war crimes, crimes against humanity, and possibly genocide.

The African Union is repeatedly criticized for not doing enough to resolve the crisis in Ethiopia.
Despite almost opposition unanimous opposition against establishment of an independent investigation body into the crimes committed in Ethiopia, the United Nation’s Human Rights Council on Wednesday has appointed former International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, to head the UN commission of enquiry into alleged human rights violations committed in the conflict in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, launched a devastating war on Tigray in November 2020 by sending army and inviting Eritrean and Somalia national armies, UAE armed drones, and troops from Ethiopian regional states, to oust a TPLF-led regional government in Tigray after a long-standing political hostilities between Abiy’s ruling party and the TPLF.
The 16 months war on Tigray that he has been undertaking has been marked by extreme brutality, including the use of rape and hunger as weapons of war, systematic destruction of Tigray, massacres and ethnic cleansing against Tigrayans.
Since June, Tigray has been put under a total humanitarian blockade by the Ethiopian government, with only less than 10 %of the needed essential aid allowed to enter the region and no aid reached the region since December 15, 2021. This has resulted in man-made famine to more than 900,000 people in the region and more than 5400 deaths as a result.
The World Health Organization last month called for “unfettered access” into war-wracked Tigray, saying its first delivery of life-saving medical supplies since July last year had stalled due to lack of fuel.
Nearly 40 percentof people in Tigray, a region of six million people, face “an extreme lack of food”, the UN said last month. The dire assessment published by the World Food Programme (WFP) came as humanitarian groups increasingly curtail activities because of fuel and supply shortages.
An estimated 9.4 million people in northern Ethiopia’s Tigray, Amhara, and Afar regions are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. Millions more are also suffering from severe food shortages, acute malnutrition is rising, disease and chronic illnesses are going untreated.