Statement: 100 Days of Blockade in Tigray
Source: Refugee International
October 7, 2021
This Wednesday, October 6, marked 100 days since the government of Ethiopia imposed a blockade on the northern region of Tigray, cutting off all delivery of humanitarian goods, electricity, communications, and services. Behind the blockade, civilians cut off from the world are facing starvation and famine conditions. These conditions are entirely man-made. Refugees International is calling for an end to the blockade.
Statement from Refugees International Vice President for Programs and Policy Hardin Lang:
“When the blockade began 100 days ago, the United Nations said it needed to get 100 trucks of relief aid a day into Tigray to prevent the worst. As of now, just over 600 trucks have made it in. The math is clear and does not lie. Millions in Tigray are starving, and millions more in northern Ethiopia are at risk.”
Statement from Refugees International #StopTigrayFamine Campaign Lead David Del Conte:
“Time has run out. Humanitarians have pleaded for 100 days to allow aid to reach Tigray. All parties to the conflict must be persuaded to change course. It is now up to policymakers and diplomats in the U.S. government, the United Nations, the African Union, and other states to urge Abiy and other parties to the conflict to save lives; to immediately stop the violence and seek peaceful resolution; and to allow food and medicine to reach the dying.
Every day that the blockade remains in place means more lives lost. It is time to act.”
Learn more about Refugees International’s #StopTigrayFamine Campaign:
For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Sarah Sheffer at or +1 202 540 7029.